Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Some of what we've been doing...

I made these snowmen with numbers and Santas with tally marks. They have to match the tally marks to the correct number. They are getting so much better!
This is the key for our elf glyphs. The inspiration came from First Grade a la Carte.

Here are a few of the glyphs. The pattern came from Life in First Grade. I love it! The kids had a great time making their elves and then they answered questions using the key and looking at all of the glyphs.

We used blank charts to build numbers different ways. Some of the kids caught on really quickly. Others used beads and put one in each square until the graph was full. Then they colored the squares to match the beads they had used. They wrote the number sentence for each color combination.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Even and Odd printable

Click here to print the Even and Odd Christmas tree.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Back at it

What a week! I didn't want to start the Christmas stuff until November was officially over :) This week we've been working on "My" books- my house, my city, my state, my country, my continent. The kids loved it! Every day they were asking, "Is it time to work on my book yet?" until they finally completed them yesterday.

We talked about different land and water forms using books and making models out of play dough. Another big hit! I wonder if my elementary teachers had used play dough to explain land and water forms... maybe I wouldn't have hated social studies so much!

The first graders also worked on making fractions and comparing fractions. So far they have noticed that 1/2 and 2/4 look the same and 1/4 and 2/8 look the same.

We're working on learning about contractions. I think it's going to take a LOT more work before we get through this!
It's My Turn!

We wrote about our favorite events from Thanksgiving break for writing workshop. This was the kindergarten kids' first time through the editing process and I think it went pretty well.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Last Week Before Thanksgiving

What a fun week! Our walls were covered in turkeys and Pilgrims. I'm so sad to see the bare walls since I took everything down and sent it home with them today. Here is some of what we did:
Feather Fractions: We traced the kids' feet and cut them out. Then they picked feathers to glue on. They wrote the fractions of colors.

We read Turk and Runt by Lisa Wheeler and then discussed good places for a turkey to hide where people would not think to look for them. Their pictures were so cute :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie

Today we read I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie and used sequencing cards to retell the story. The students drew all of the things the old lady ate and retold the order that she ate them in.
We also reviewed The Story of the Pilgrims and the kids drew pictures to show what they would pack in their suitcases if they were going on the Mayflower. One drew only food :) and lots of it! Of course she is the tiniest one in the class! I love this time of year and all of the great things the kids can do!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Pilgrims writing

I am doing all things Thanksgiving this week. I made  Turkey tally matching cards for my kindergarten and first graders. We are also using them to sort by even and odd. Today we read The Story of the Pilgrims. The students wrote at least one way they were like the Pilgrims or one way they were different. For more advanced students, they made Venn Diagrams to compare and contrast themselves with the Pilgrims.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Veterans Day cards

These are the cards my students made to send to veterans. We read The Veterans Day Visitor. The kids completed rough drafts and revisions before attaching their final copies to the cards. They are so excited about mailing the cards!